De Dijk

De Dijk was a Dutch rock band formed in Amsterdam in 1981. They are known for their unique blend of rock, soul, and blues, combined with Dutch-language lyrics. The band’s name, which translates to “The Dike” in English, is a reference to the Zeedijk, a street in Amsterdam.

De Dijk has released numerous albums throughout their career, with many of their songs becoming classics in the Dutch music scene. Their music often features poetic and socially conscious lyrics, touching on themes such as love, life in the city, and social issues.

Some of De Dijk’s most popular songs include “Bloedend Hart,” “Als Ze Er Niet Is,” and “Mag Het Licht Uit.” Over the years, they have won several awards and have maintained a dedicated fan base in the Netherlands and beyond. De Dijk’s enduring popularity is a testament to their musical talent and their ability to resonate with audiences through their heartfelt and thought-provoking music.

At the end of May 2022, Leadsinger Huub Van der Lubbe informed the permanent crew members that he would permanently stop working for De Dijk at the end of December that year. It was then decided to refrain from further performances after the last tour of 2022. An important reason for Van der Lubbe to stop was that he had been suffering from tinnitus for years; another that he wanted to slow down, as he was already 69 years old. He also thought it was time to choose for himself. The other band members would have liked to continue.

Date: Various Data
Location: Various Locations